Projects and Extra Courses



Class teachers are supported daily for 6 hours a day for every day of the week by native English teachers to carry out all the educational activities, in order to make learning the second language natural and enjoyable.
Constant exposure to the English language, its use in daily routine in educational activities in the game and at mealtimes, allow children to acquire the second language as a living language. Scuola Europa believes that the keys to success in learning English, especially in childhood, are the constancy of exposure to language, fun in use, stimulation of interest and curiosity in children.
Scuola Europa deems it essential to expose children to the language as soon as possible and for this reason, it has chosen to include bilingualism in the nursery school. The authentic material in a foreign language is used by developing the five senses, in a sensory approach, inserting English naturally into normal classroom activities with references to international and Italian culture. An integral part of the activities in the language are the educational outings to the theater, viewing and performance of shows, theme workshops.


The child is naturally open to the music, listen with interest and lives with the body and the imagination, each song that is proposed, demonstrating a musicality widespread, that should be exalted, and educated, thanks to the music game. The number of pupils is limited, and the composition of the group homogeneous.
LISTEN – development of the capacity of attention and concentration, detection, storage and analysis of the different sounds from the environment.
DANCE – development of the localization ability and the awareness of our own body through listening to music experienced with the body, until forms of dramatization in the body.
PLAY – the development of skills and rhythmic sound-and “playing” your body (body percussion).
TALK – the development of the ability of pronunciation and improvement in phonetic-articulatory with the music spoken
SING – the development of the first vocal song, breathing control and management of its intonation
KNOW – expansion of the general knowledge that, thanks to the music, you can make it more challenging, up to some simple part of the history of music and musical culture in general.
2 times a week


The discovery and knowledge of the world through the movement to learn how to grow and relate with others through the use of various tools. The child, in this way, it will sharpen the general coordination of the movements, gaining an autonomy progressively more extensive and secure.
2 times a week


The continuity arises from the need to ensure that all children with an educational path organic and complete. The “Connection Project” is addressed to children of the last year with the companions of the first class in Primary school. To promote the gradual path in children of 5 years, once a week, go to the Primary School to continue with the daily preparation to the next order of study, gaining familiarity with the new environment and carrying out activities of pre-graphism and reading and writing.
They also organize activities in common:
The presence of the teachers of the last year on the first day of school
The day of Reception
Sports day for the beginning and the end of the year
Christmas party
Outputs to the museums and cultural activities offered by the territory
Participation in workshops and theatrical performances
Teaching activities
Watching shows in English


Aimed at children in the entrance to the Kindergarten, the project refers to the insertion through a preliminary interview with the parents, placing the child in the first days with the presence of the parent in the classroom, and proposals for educational activities appropriate.


The purpose is to promote socialization through the proposal of physical activities that aim to develop the capacity of coordinating and conditionals, as well as determine in the child the rules of respect and sharing individual and in the group.
Divided into 2 moments: at the beginning of the year, the class of the Kindergarten together with the pupils of the other orders of the studio spends a morning in the sports center for physical activities. At the end of the year all the classes, Pre-School, PreK and Kindergarten spend a morning in the sports center for the mini-olympics in the presence of the parents.


Since childhood, Kindergarten children are approaching computational thinking, through coding, therefore the school helps them to think better and in a creative way, stimulating their curiosity allowing them to learn the basics of computer programming, teaching to “talk” with tablets and with the use of Lim. Targeted educational activities allow children to be introduced to coding initially in unplugged mode and then to learn about educational robotics tools and then with the use of web ups. Through a series of logical games and interactive exercises, children learn digital skills.


The systematic observation of each individual child allows for particular attention to each individual. Kindergarten Europe follows implementation procedures.



Sports and art/theater activities and English language workshops are offered every year.