Happy Christmas from Scuola Europa!

Christmas video is a tradition for us, and we couldn’t miss it: this year, though, it’s something very special, as you’ll see… Happy holidays everyone from all the students, the teachers and the staff of Scuola Europa!

And the winner is…

Or better the winners are! The Contest for this Christmas has been a great success and here are the winners chosen by an external committee of videomaker. Like in all respectful races, the winners will be given a cup, while participants will receive some tasty surprises!

Here are the videos selected

Scuola dell’Infanzia – Classe Kindergarten

Scuola Primaria 

Scuola Secondaria di I Grado – Laboratorio di Teatro

Scuola Secondaria di II Grado – Laboratorio di Expresion Emotional 

In the next few days all the video that did not win will be published. Thank you for participating!